Friday, January 31, 2014

SSS #47

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
- Mother Teresa

Reflection: I have a hard time telling people good things. Not because I don't feel that way, but because I didn't grow up telling people nice things. I was always a clown. Now that I do wish to be nice, it is hard for me to say them but when I do I always feel better. It makes me feel better because I know that I'm not trying to make someone feel worse about themselves.

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities:
            Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides help patients who are mentally, emotionally, or physically disabled adjust to handicaps and regain abilities to perform daily living and self-care skills.  They work under the supervision of occupational therapists as part of a team with physicians, counselors, and physical therapists.
            Occupational Therapy assistants work closely with patients to assist them in making reports to the occupational therapist on the patients’ assistants and development. Most are employed at hospitals and others can work in nursing homes. Some work for schools for the handicapped or in rehabilitation centers and daycare centers

Average Salary: $12,000 - $15,000 (Occupational Therapy Aides)
                             $17,000 - $26,000 (Occupational Therapy Assistants)

Educational Requirements:
            Occupational Therapy Aides must have at least a high school diploma or a GED certificate. They receive training on the job.
            Occupational therapy assistants must complete a two year training program that includes clinical experience. They must also pass a national exam to earn a certification as a qualified assistant

I do not believe I would like to become an Occupation therapist because although I may love to help people I do not have much patience to work in the places necessary like a nursing home or hospital.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

SSS #46

"The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Charles Ketterer

Reflection: One should not think about what they think they will do. They should have to act upon it to make it into a reality. When one thinks about just having a good life or becoming an athlete they are not creating their future. All they are doing is simply just trying to see what may lie ahead of them. They should be practicing and working out each day and never stop. Many professional athletes today practice even though they are professionals. Why? Because they want to improve their skills. There is never a good enough because there will always be someone pushing harder to become better and better. They are not wasting their time by believing they are good enough and that they do not need to improve.

Nursing Home Administrator

Nursing Home Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities:
            They assist in planning and directing nursing homes and long-term care facilities. They supervise personnel, financial, medical, and nursing administration.
            Most working in nursing homes but they could also work for large corporations that control many facilities. They could also become involved in teaching and research.

Average Salary:   $40,000 - $55,000

            Students should take challenging high school courses in business science, math, and English.

            Many states require nursing home administrators to have a bachelor’s degree in nursing home administration, completion of an additional internship program, and pass a comprehensive examination.

I would not like to be a nursing home administrator because I would not fit in in this type of position.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Agenda

                I really like the assembly this morning because it had many of our beloved teachers making fun of the way that some students behave in school. I found it funny when there was skits such as the one where a student paints graffiti on the wall and gets in trouble and has to clean then the other students are making fun of him because he has to clean. The way I will follow the rules is not taking my phone out as much during class. Other than that I believe that I follow the rules and I am well behaved.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

SSS #45

"Action is the foundational key to all success to all success."
- Pablo Picasso

Reflection: If someone wants to achieve success they should know that taking action is necessary. It won't be handed on a silver platter for one to take. Life isn't easy and it sure isn't gonna be easy for one person. Anything nice in life comes with sacrifice. Sometimes that sacrifice is one's own free time. It may seems like a big struggle now but in the future it definitely pays off.

Pyramid Healing

Pyramid Healing
            The healing refers to the supernatural or paranormal properties of the ancient Egyptian pyramids or other objects of similar shape. People have reported that the pyramid improves their health. They feel very energized to the point where they could not cope with the effects they experienced.

People say the pyramids with the exact relative dimensions of Egyptian pyramids act as "an effective resonator of randomly polarized microwave signals which can be converted into electrical energy."

I would not like to be a pyramid healer because I do not believe that it works. If I did support the vocation then I would be a hypocrite

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

SSS #44

"Vision without action is a daydream. action without vision is a nightmare."
- Japanese Proverb

Reflection: If you simply just think about something. Just looking into th sky and visualizing yourself as this champion of the world and you don't put any effort into actually accomplishing such then you simply just day dream. There is no thought into actually working to get there. You can not expect it to come to you magically. And when you just do things to do them then you are living in a nightmare. You don't look to anything. You don't have a goal set forth. I constant visualize myself in the future with a successful career and good looks when I workout so I have something to work for.

Nuclear Medicine Technologist

Nuclear Medicine Technologist
Duties and Responsibilities:
            They prepare and administer radiopharmaceuticals to detect and treat disease. They also take pictures of the patients in certain positions to identify abnormal areas to help diagnose illnesses.
            They explain the tests to patients and administer radioactive doses by mouth or injection. They also perform laboratory tests on tissue samples. They follow a strict set of regulations because of the dangers of radiation.

Average Salary: $28,000 - $42,000

Educational Requirements:
            Students should take the most challenging science, math, and English courses available in HS.

Nuclear Medicine Technology training programs vary in length from one to four years. One year programs that lead to certification are offered by hospitals.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

Glenn Cunningham

This is a man who had his legs injured to later become one of the world's best and fastest runners. He set the world record for bothe the outdoor and indoor mile each was a completed in 4 minutes. He was determined since he was injured to regain the strength in his legs an surpass the expectations set upon him by the doctors.
What I have learned is to exceed what people expect you to do. That is the way to show how truly different you are from the rest.

SSS #43

"Adversity causes some men to break - others to break records"
- William A. Ward

Reflection: There are often times where I am confronted by a certain obstacle but I alwsys try and try and try to not let it bring me down. These past weeks have been a bad stage for me in my life, but I managed to survive them because I just kept my head up and just learned to enjoy what I have instead of trouble myself over the things that I don't have. Many people also thought that I wasn't able to run 3 miles or ride a bike for 30 miiles but I always proved them wrong.  

Monitor Surveillance Technician

Monitor Surveillance Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:
            Monitor surveillance technicians observe the electrical activity of heartbeats which is graphically displayed on a series of monitors in cardiac care units of hospitals.  They examine these patterns and provide the results to physicians and nursing staff.  They:
  • ·        Gather and report heart pattern information on patients.
  • ·        Operate monitoring computers that simultaneously display multiple patient results.
  • ·        Identify heart pattern changes and abnormalities.
  • ·        Clean and maintain equipment, battery packs, and wiring systems.

Average Salary: $26,000 - $41,000

Educational Requirements:
            Students wanting to become Monitor Surveillance Technicians should take math, science, and computer technology courses in high school.
            Upon graduating from high school, students may enroll in training programs at some vocational schools or community colleges and maybe even hospitals. Programs vary from 3 months to maybe 2 years.

I do not believe I would like to become a Monitor Surveillance Technician because I would not enjoy to this type of work in the medical field because they do not impact people personally.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Student Success Statement #42

"The best inspiration is not to outdo others, but to outdo ourselves.
- Anonymous Author

Reflection: I sometimes look to the goal of trying to beat others because when one thinks of setting goals its good to do better and better than what you have done the previous time. But when I comes to making yourself stand out, you have to find what other have not done yet and surpass them. There is certain situations in which one is better than the other but there will never be a time where one will always be better than the other.

Health Sciences Librarian

Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities:
            They collect and organize medical information and help doctors find the info they need for patient care, education, research, and administration.
Librarians select and acquire books, journals, and other library material. They also establish electronic and digital database information systems. They help organize the information into collections and develop catalogs for access and provide reference assistance to patrons.

Average Salary:
            $20,000 - $30,000 (Library Technicians)

Educational Requirements:
            Students should take challenging HS courses in science, math, and English.

            Health Science Librarians should earn an undergraduate degree in one of the life sciences and must earn a master’s degree in library science from a program that is accredited by the American Library Association.

Reflection: I do not wish to do this because I do not believe I would enjoy being in a library for many hours. I cannot see myself in this career